
Thursday, 17 July 2014

Justifications of choices in our preliminary music video

Song: ‘Rollin’ by Limp Bizkit

Justification: We have chosen this song because as a group it a song that all of enjoy and know the lyrics of the song very well. It is a fun song to do that has a very clear theme and narrative, which gives us a chance to fully understand how to create a music promo. We want to do a song that would entertaining and comical to watch, so by doing a heavy metal/rap that is performed by a man makes it very funny as we are three normal females who are performing in the music promo. Also this song gives us a chance to experiment with lots of different shots, which will help us develop our skills for our real music promo video.

By Beth Pattison

Location: Car park and sports field

Justification: We have chosen to use a car park because the theme of the song we have chosen- ‘Rollin’’- is about a man who is asked by someone to look after their car and chooses to go driving about in it. Our video will be about three girls at school who get into their friend’s car and when they put on the music it transforms them into ‘gangsters’. This is the reason why we have chosen to film it in the school car park, as this is where the girl’s car is likely to be and also makes it seem like an everyday and normal thing so it is more surprising when the girls change suddenly. We will also be filming some parts on the school field because it is a large open space to perform the dance we plan to show and to experiment with various shots.

By Mia Shaw

Props: Car and objects to roll  

Justification: We have chosen to use a car because it is the most important theme of the song as it is all about driving a car. Also we are aiming to make it comical by playing on the words of the song by rolling lots of objects as this will be shown in the chorus, this will include a rolling pin, a roll of tape, an apple, toilet roll etc.

By Mia Shaw


Costume: Gangster clothing    
Justification: we have chosen to wearing stereo typical gangster clothing (hoody, jeans, trainers and a baseball hat) because this is similar to what the real artist of the song, Limp Bizkit, wears for the song. So by doing this we are really showing that we understand the theme and the artist really well. Also as we are normal females who don’t normally wear this type of clothing it makes the music promo more comical and entertaining to watch.

By Beth Pattison



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